Publikasi Semester 1 April-Juni 2018


No Nama NIM Jenjang Prodi Judul artikel Tempat publikasi URL link/ID/Code/DOI Kategori Terindeks Pembimbing 1 Pembimbing 2 Uraian Status
1 Nur Fitriyana 16728251032 (S2) Pendidikan Kimia The Profile of Students' Self-Efficacy on Hydrocarbon Hybrid Learning and Android-Based-Game International Journal of New Trends in Education and Their Implications (IJONTE) 504 Jurnal International Bereputasi Copernicus, Ebsco Antuni Wiyarsi, Dr., M.Sc.   Published
2 Fatimah K. 15713251007 (S2) Bimbingan dan Konseling Group Guidance Services with Sociodrama Technique to Improve Self-Adjustment of Students of Boarding School ` 10115265 Jurnal International Bereputasi Google Schoolar, DOAJ Edi Purwanta, Prof., Dr.   Accepted
3 Nuryunita Dewantari 15708251015 (S2) Pendidikan Sains The Development Of Online Science Enrichment Book On Heat Energy In Life To Increase Study Independency And Study Result Of Sience For Junior High School Students The International Journal of Science & Technoledge ST1802-036 Jurnal International Bereputasi Proquest, Copernicus Suyanta, Dr.   Accepted
5 Mariyani 16730251036 (S2) Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan The Influence of School Culture, Classroom Climate and Boarding School Program on Student Discipline at Man 3 Palembang International Education and Research Journal IERJ03201818 Jurnal International Bereputasi Copernicus Abdul Gafur Dami Amiseno, Prof. Dr., M.Sc.   Accepted
18 HANA PERMATA HELDISARI 15724251005 (S2) Pendidikan Seni Development of Learning Model Based on the Personal Source in Playing Javanese Gamelan for Children With Special Needs 1st UPI International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education ABS-272 Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi Scopus, Thomson Reuters Kun Setyaning Astuti, Dr., M.Pd.   Prosiding
30 DEDEK ANDRIAN 14701261003 (S3) Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan The Instrument Development to Evaluate local curriculum International Journal of Intsruction 20180321070434 Jurnal International Bereputasi Scopus 1.  Badrun Kartowagiran, Prof. Dr., M.Pd. 2.  Samsul Hadi, Dr., M.Pd., M.T. Accepted
32 KURNIA INDRAYANTI 15706251019 (S2) Linguistik Terapan Students' Perception of Learning English Using a Genre-based Approach Book at Junior High School International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention IC73028 Jurnal International Bereputasi Google Schoolar, Proquest Dwiyanto Djoko Pranowo, Dr., M.Pd.   Published
33 ZELA SEPTIKASARI 16712251069 (S2) Pendidikan Dasar Strategi Integrasi Pendidikan Kebencanaan dalam Optimalisasi Masyarakat Menghadapi Bencana Erupsi Gunung Merapi Jurnal Ketahanan Nasional UGM 33142 Jurnal Terakreditasi Nasional Terakreditasi DIKTI Yulia Ayriza, M.Si., Ph.D.   Published
36 IRWANSYAH 15706251052 (S2) Linguistik Terapan The Effects of Communicative Language Teaching of Student-Centered Approach on Students' Speaking Ability at XI Grade of SMAN 1 Lubuk Sikaping International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 406 Jurnal International Bereputasi Google Schoolar Endang Nurhayati, Prof. Dr., M.Hum.   Published
43 CINTATIA SALSABILA 16718251014 (S2) Pendidikan Sejarah The Relationship between the Understanding of Indonesian National History, History Learning Interest, and History Awareness and the Nationalism Attitude International Education and Research Journal IERJ042018205 Jurnal International Bereputasi Copernicus Aman, Dr., M.Pd.   Accepted
44 SHOFA AULIA KUMALA 15706251056 (S2) Linguistik Terapan Makna Syukur Kisah Nabi Sulaiman dalam Alquran (Kajian Stilistika Alquran) Jurnal Al QALAM Banten - Jurnal Terakreditasi Nasional Terakreditasi DIKTI Haryadi, Prof. Dr., M.Pd.   Accepted
48 SHOFA AULIA KUMALA 15706251056 (S2) Linguistik Terapan Makna Syukur Kisah Nabi Sulaiman dalam Alquran (Kajian Stilistika Alquran) Jurnal AlQALAM rfc822 Jurnal Terakreditasi Nasional Terakreditasi DIKTI Haryadi, Prof. Dr., M.Pd.   Accepted
49 EKA AD'HIYA 16728251013 (S2) Pendidikan Kimia Students' Analytical Thinking Skills and Chemical Literacy in Chemical Equilibrium The 8th Annual Basic Science International Conference 191 Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi Scopus Endang Widjayanti Laksono, Prof. Dr., MS.   Accepted
53 MEIDIANA INSANIA AMANAH 15706251045 (S2) Linguistik Terapan Equivalence of Taboo Language and Euphemism Form Found in Novel "Cantik itu Luka" and its Translation "Beauty is a Wound" International Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IJHSS) H-20164 Jurnal International Bereputasi DOAJ, Copernicus Roswita Lumban Tobing, Dr., M.Hum.   Accepted
54 GANDES SEKAR PUTRI 16718251003 (S2) Pendidikan Sejarah The Relationship Between The Learning Motivation, Parents' Attention, And History Awareness And The History Learning Achievement International Journl of Current Research 30167 Jurnal International Bereputasi Copernicus Aman, Dr., M.Pd.   Accepted
55 RISKA SEPTIA WAHYUNINGTYAS 16725251020 (S2) Pendidikan Biologi The Influence of Contextual Teaching And Learning (CTL) towards Chritical Thinking Ability and Concept Understanding on Skeletal System Material SEMINAR BASIC Universitas Brawijaya BSC-305 Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi Scopus Wuryadi, Prof. Dr., MS.   Accepted Publisher AIP 
60 SATYA SADHU 16728251014 (S2) Pendidikan Kimia Development and Validation of an Integrated Assessment for Measuring Critical Thinking and Chemical Literacy in Chemical Equilibrium International Journal of Instruction 120118 Jurnal International Bereputasi Scopus Endang Widjayanti Laksono, Prof. Dr., MS.   Accepted
62 ASNI TAFRIKHATIN 15721251001 (S2) Pendidikan Teknik Elektro Development of a Mobile Learning for Digital Logic Gates in Vocational Schools ICTVT 2017 UNY ABS-4 Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi Thomson Reuters Edy Supriyadi, Dr., M.Pd.   Accepted Prosiding Thomson Reuters
64 NUROKHMAH 13730259009 (S2) Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan Pengaruh Pemahaman dan Sensitivitas Gender terhadap Civic Disposition pada Peserta Didik Madrasah Aliyah di Kabupaten Bantul Musawa Jurnal Studi Gender dan Islam Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga - Jurnal Terakreditasi Nasional Terakreditasi DIKTI Sunarso, Dr., M.Si.   Accepted
67 PURWANDARI NUR TRISTIANINGSIH 16702251008 (S2) Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan The Effects of Industrial Work Practice Experiences, the Study Results of a Productive Learning, Career Guidance, and Motivation of Work on the Work Readiness of the Students at Vocational High Schools in Magelang RA Journal of Applied Research (RA Journals) RA2018V4I03S980 Jurnal International Bereputasi Google Schoolar, Copernicus Soenarto, Prof., M.A., M.Sc., Ph.D.   Accepted
68 MUHAMMAD NASIHUL WAFFAK 16711251069 (S2) Ilmu Keolahragaan Developing of Basketball Using TGFU Approach in Elementary School YISHPESS FIK UNY ABS-4 Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi Scopus Pamuji Sukoco, Dr., M.Pd.   Accepted 
71 ANDES PERMADI 16711251058 (S2) Ilmu Keolahragaan Sports Management Implementation in Indonesian Sports Committee of Rejang Lebong in Optimizing Sports Achievement YISHPESS FIK UNY ABS-5 Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi Scopus Sugeng Purwanto, Dr., M.Pd.   Accepted
76 GITA PURWANING TYAS 15724251009 (S2) Pendidikan Seni Nilai Pendidikan Karakter dalam Ragam Gerak Tari Srimpi Pandelori Mudra Jurnal Seni Budaya 329-786-1-SM Jurnal Terakreditasi Nasional Terakreditasi DIKTI Kuswarsantyo, Dr., M.Hum.   Accepted
77 TRI DEWANTARI 16713251027 (S2) Bimbingan dan Konseling Effectiveness Assertive Training on Discipline of Learning in Junior High School The International Journal of Counseling and Education 131 Jurnal International Bereputasi DOAJ, Copernicus, Google Schoolar Rita Eka Izzaty, Dr., M.Si.   Accepted
80 MARTIN IRYAYO 16701259001 (S2) Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Explorative Study on the Attainment of 21st Century Learning Skills at Yogyakarta State University, Graduate School International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) 8887 Jurnal International Bereputasi DOAJ, Google Schoolar Harun, Dr., M.Pd.   Accepted
81 ANWAR RIFA'I 16709251061 (S2) Pendidikan Matematika The effect of Think Pair Share (TPS) using scientific approach on students’ self-confidence and mathematical problem-solving The 4th International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education (ICMSE 2017) Universitas Negeri Semarang M-611 Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi Scopus Sugiman, Dr., M.Si.   Accepted Prosiding Scopus
83 MUHAMMAD AGUS HARDIANSYAH 16705251016 (S2) Pendidikan IPS The Effect of Knowledge about Drugs and HIV/AIDS on Teenagers’ Premarital Sexual Behaviors in Yogyakarta 5th International Conference on Research, Implementation and Education of Mathematics and Science 171 Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi Scopus 1. Badrun Kartowagiran, Prof. Dr., M.Pd. 2. Setyo Budi Indartono, Ph.D. Presented, dan Accepted Prosiding
86 RENI 16727251013 (S2) Pendidikan Geografi The Development of a Multimedia Learning and Its Effectiveness in Improving Student Environmental Awareness IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology (IOSR-JESTFT) N83005 Jurnal International Bereputasi Google Scholar Dyah Respati Suryo Sumunar, Dr. M.Si.   Published
87 RUSPEE MADIYOH 16716259001 (S2) Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris The Use of Authentic Short Movies in Enhancing Students' Motivation in Learning Speaking International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ART20182410 Jurnal International Bereputasi Copernicus Nur Hidayanto Pancoro Setyo Putro, M.Pd., Ph.D.   Accepted
89 BAYU SETIAJI 16726251017 (S2) Pendidikan Fisika Developing Physics  Subject-Spesific Pedagogy on Problem Based Learning Model Assisted by E-learning to Enhance Student's Scientific  Literacy Skill International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR)  8933 Jurnal International Bereputasi Google Scholar, DOAJ Jumadi, Prof. Dr., M.Pd.   Accepted
90 SYAMIAH ALFI 16726251038 (S2) Pendidikan Fisika Development of Physics Mobile Learning Media Interactive Through Scaffolding Approach International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR)  8822 Jurnal International Bereputasi Google Scholar, DOAJ Suparno, M.App.Sc, Ph.D.   Accepted
91 MARIA TENSIANA TIMA 16728251007 (S2) Pendidikan Kimia Influence of Problem Solving Based on Multiple Representations Model on Teaching and Learning of Chemistry on Student's Academic Self-Efficacy ang Student's Cognitive Achievement American Journal of Educational Research 1300112280 Jurnal International Bereputasi Google Scholar Prof. Dr. Hari Sutrisno, M.Si   Accepted
94 PHATTAYA DOUANGMALA 16716259003 (S2) Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris The Use of the Genre-Based Approach Instruction to Improve Students' Ability in writing Short Essays International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ART20182226 Jurnal International Bereputasi Copernicus Agus Widyantoro, Dr., M.Pd.   Accepted
95 BOUAOUNE DJIHAD 16716254001 (S2) Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris An Investigation of Vocabulary Learning Strategies Use of 40 Nursing Successful Indonesian Students International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ART20182162 Jurnal International Bereputasi Copernicus Dyah Setyowati Ciptaningrum, Ed.D.   Accepted
102 MUTIARA NURMANITA 16730251022 (S2) Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan Problem Based Civics Learning For Empowering Young Citizens Participation Annual Civic Education Conference (ACEC) UPI Bandung 2018 ABS-81 Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi Scopus Samsuri, Dr., M.Ag.   Accepted Prosiding Scopus
103 DEWI MARIANA 14713251006 (S2) Bimbingan dan Konseling The Importance of Service  Placement and Channelling to Prepare Human Resources for Students to Meet the Careers of the Future Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning (JETL) - Jurnal International Bereputasi DOAJ, Google Scholar Muh. Farozin, Dr., M.Pd.   Published
104 FEBRIAN SOLIKHIN 16728251027 (S2) Pendidikan Kimia The Measurement Self-Efficacy in the Use of VICH-LAB in Electrochemistry The 8th Annual Basic Science International Conference (BASIC) Universitas Brawaijaya, Malang BSC – 445 Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi Scopus Kristian Handoyo Sugiyarto, Prof., M.Sc.,Ph.D.   Accepted AIP Conference Proceedings Terindeks Scopus
106 Metridewi Primastuti 16728251012 (S2) Pendidikan Kimia Analysis of Students' Science Literacy in Chemical Equilibrium Topic The 8th Annual Basic Science International Conference (BASIC) Universitas Brawaijaya, Malang BSC-147 Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi Scopus Sri Atun, Prof. Dr.   Accepted Prosiding Scopus
107 DEVI ANGGRIYANI 16701251023 (S2) Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THREE INDONESIAN ISLANDS ON THE PERFORMANCE IN MATHEMATICS Formatif : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan MIPA 10.30998 Jurnal Terakreditasi Nasional Terakreditasi DIKTI (Sinta S3) Harun, Dr., M.Pd.   Published
108 DWI IDE RAHAYU 16706251007 (S2) Linguistik Terapan Comparing the Effects of L2-Based with Code-Switching-Base Instruction on Efl Speaking Classes Journal of Language Teaching and Research (JLTR) JLTR18040603 Jurnal International Bereputasi Google Scholar, Copernicus Margana, Dr., M.Hum., M.A.   Accepted
110 FAHRUDDIN 16718251013 (S2) Pendidikan Sejarah TEACHER PERFORMANCE, NATIONALISTIC ATTITUDE, AND HISTORICAL AWARENESS, RELATIONSHIP WITH LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT IISTE-Journal of Education and Practice - Jurnal International Bereputasi Google Scholar, Copernicus Sugiyono, Prof., Dr.   Accepted
112 DIANA WULANDARI 16730251002 (S2) Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan Peace Values on Pancasila and Civic Education Textbooks in Senior High School Annual Civic Education Conference (ACEC) UPI Bandung 2018 ABS-59 Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi Scopus Mukhamad Murdiono, Dr., M.Pd.   Accepted Prosiding
113 MATANG 16730251017 (S2) Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan How is the Use of Social Media in the Student Activist at Yogyakarta Annual Civic Education Conference (ACEC) UPI Bandung 2018 ABS-34 Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi Will be indexed by Scopus Samsuri, Dr., M.Ag.   Accepted Prosiding Scopus
114 CHRISTMAS ASTRIANI 16730251007 (S2) Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan Budi Pekerti education according to the thought of Ki Hadjar Dewantara as an effort to prepare young citizens Annual Civic Education Conference (ACEC) UPI Bandung 2018 ABS-200 Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi Scopus Samsuri, Dr., M.Ag.   Accepted Prosiding Scopus
115 FREDIK LAMBERTUS KOLLO 16730251008 (S2) Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan Patriacrhy Culture and Injustice for Woman in Politics Annual Civic Education Conference (ACEC) UPI Bandung 2018 ABS-51 Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi Will be indexed by Scopus Sunarso, Dr., M.Si.   Accepted Prosiding
116 ZULKARNAIN 16730251012 (S2) Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan How Religious Leaders Maintenance Religious Harmony Indonesian Plural Society Annual Civic Education Conference (ACEC) UPI Bandung 2018 ABS-46 Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi Scopus Samsuri, Dr., M.Ag.   Accepted Prosiding
119 AMIRUDIN 16706251006 (S2) Linguistik Terapan Speech Acts in a Story for Learning English: Case of Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference (BELTIC) 2018 ABS-121 Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi Scopus Margana, Dr., M.Hum., M.A.   Accepted Prosiding Scopus
124 FITRAH ASMA DARMAWAN 16702251029 (S2) Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan The Concept of Vocational Education Based on Maritime Resources 6th International Conference on Information and Education Technology (ICIET 2018) Jepang E3007-A Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi Scopus Amat Jaedun, Dr., M.Pd.   Accepted Prosiding Scopus
125 FIRMA PRADESTA AMANAH 16706251014 (S2) Linguistik Terapan Utilizing Simple-Code in Language Teaching Process Towards Students Achievement Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference (BELTIC) 2018 ABS-190 Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi Scopus Pratomo Widodo, Prof. Dr., M.Pd.   Accepted Prosiding Scopus
126 NURTANIO AGUS PURWANTO 13704261001 (S3) Manajemen Pendidikan Elementary School Principals Development Program in Sleman Regency Psychology and Education - Jurnal International Bereputasi Scopus 1.  Husaini Usman, Prof. Dr., M.Pd., M.T. 2.  Lantip Diat Prasojo, Dr., M.Pd. Published
129 DESFI ANNISA 16728251015 (S2) Pendidikan Kimia THE EFFECT OF INQUIRY-BASED LEARNING MODEL ON STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING CONCEPT IN CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM The 8th Annual Basic Science International Conference (BASIC) Universitas Brawaijaya, Malang BSC-139 Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi Scopus Eli Rohaeti, Dr., M.Si.   Accepted Prosiding Scopus
130 RANDA ANGGARISTA 16715251020 (S2) Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Representation of Benuaq Ethnic’s Environmental Wisdom in the Novel of Api Awan Asap by Korrie Layun Rampan International Journal of Language and Literature LLT-1804 Jurnal International Bereputasi Google Scholar, ProQuest, Ulrich's, EBSCO Nurhadi, Dr., M.Hum.   Accepted
132 WARJU 14702269005 (S3) Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan EVALUATING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF GREEN SCHOOL (ADIWIYATA) PROGRAM: EVIDENCE FROM INDONESIA International Journal of Environmental and Science Education ijese.2017.095 Jurnal International Bereputasi Scopus 1.  Slamet PH, Prof., M.A, M.Ed, MLHR, Ph.D. 2.  Soenarto, Prof., M.A., M.Sc., Ph.D. Published
133 Muhammad Rasyid Ridlo 15715351037 (S2) Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia MASIHKAH ADA CINTA D(AR)I KAMPUS BIRU? PLAY PERFORMANCE: AN ADAPTATION OF NOVEL-FILM AS A MANIFESTO STRATEGY Asian Journal Social Sciences & Humanities (AJSSH) 1806-AJSSH-7(3)-1328 Jurnal International Bereputasi Copernicus, Ebsco Host, Ulrich's Web Suminto A. Sayuti, Prof. Dr.   Accepted
137 Ruwandi 9703261010 (S3) Ilmu Pendidikan Konfessionalisi dalam Relasi Keberagamaan (Studi tentang Konsep Keberagamaan Mahasiswa Program Kelas Internasional Institut Agama Islam Negeri Salatiga) Inferensi - Jurnal Terakreditasi Nasional Terakreditasi DIKTI 1.  Sodiq Azis Kuntoro, Prof. Dr.  2.  Achmad Dardiri, Prof. Dr., M.Hum. Accepted
141 AHMAD NURKHOLIS MAJID 16728251009 (S2) Pendidikan Kimia The Effect of Context-Based Chemistry Learning on Student Achievement and Attitude American Journal of Educational Research 1300112321 Jurnal International Bereputasi Google Scholar Eli Rohaeti, Dr., M.Si.   Accepted
142 RAHMAT SYAH 16701251003 (S2) Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Parenting for Cyberbullying Prevention of Social Media User in Indonesia Jurnal Penelitian Kesejahteraan Sosial 1473 Jurnal Terakreditasi Nasional Terakreditasi DIKTI Istiana Herawati, Dr.   Accepted
143 Wa Ode Muslihah  16707251005 (S2) Teknologi Pendidikan Museum Pendidikan Indonesia: Has It Been Useful? International Journal on Integrating Technology in Education IJITE95 Jurnal International Bereputasi Google Sholar, Ulrichs Web Haryanto, Dr., M.Pd.   Accepted
146 AULIA ARDHANARESWARI 16715251032 (S2) Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Internalization of Character Education Value in Pilot School, Bantul International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ART20183082 Jurnal International Bereputasi Copernicus Darmiyati Zuchdi, Prof., Ed.D.   Accepted
147 ANITA EKANTINI 16708251009 (S2) Pendidikan IPA THE DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE STUDENT WORKSHEET BASED ON EDUCATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT TO ENHANCE SCIENTIFIC LITERACY Universal Journal of Educational Research 19511209 Jurnal International Bereputasi Google Sholar, ProQuest Insih Wilujeng, Dr., M.Si.   Accepted