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Publikasi Semester 1 April-Juni 2018
No | Nama | NIM | Jenjang | Prodi | Judul artikel | Tempat publikasi | URL link/ID/Code/DOI | Kategori | Terindeks | Pembimbing 1 | Pembimbing 2 | Uraian Status |
1 | Nur Fitriyana | 16728251032 | (S2) | Pendidikan Kimia | The Profile of Students' Self-Efficacy on Hydrocarbon Hybrid Learning and Android-Based-Game | International Journal of New Trends in Education and Their Implications (IJONTE) | 504 | Jurnal International Bereputasi | Copernicus, Ebsco | Antuni Wiyarsi, Dr., M.Sc. | Published | |
2 | Fatimah K. | 15713251007 | (S2) | Bimbingan dan Konseling | Group Guidance Services with Sociodrama Technique to Improve Self-Adjustment of Students of Boarding School | ` | 10115265 | Jurnal International Bereputasi | Google Schoolar, DOAJ | Edi Purwanta, Prof., Dr. | Accepted | |
3 | Nuryunita Dewantari | 15708251015 | (S2) | Pendidikan Sains | The Development Of Online Science Enrichment Book On Heat Energy In Life To Increase Study Independency And Study Result Of Sience For Junior High School Students | The International Journal of Science & Technoledge | ST1802-036 | Jurnal International Bereputasi | Proquest, Copernicus | Suyanta, Dr. | Accepted | |
5 | Mariyani | 16730251036 | (S2) | Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan | The Influence of School Culture, Classroom Climate and Boarding School Program on Student Discipline at Man 3 Palembang | International Education and Research Journal | IERJ03201818 | Jurnal International Bereputasi | Copernicus | Abdul Gafur Dami Amiseno, Prof. Dr., M.Sc. | Accepted | |
18 | HANA PERMATA HELDISARI | 15724251005 | (S2) | Pendidikan Seni | Development of Learning Model Based on the Personal Source in Playing Javanese Gamelan for Children With Special Needs | 1st UPI International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education | ABS-272 | Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi | Scopus, Thomson Reuters | Kun Setyaning Astuti, Dr., M.Pd. | Prosiding | |
30 | DEDEK ANDRIAN | 14701261003 | (S3) | Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan | The Instrument Development to Evaluate local curriculum | International Journal of Intsruction | 20180321070434 | Jurnal International Bereputasi | Scopus | 1. Badrun Kartowagiran, Prof. Dr., M.Pd. | 2. Samsul Hadi, Dr., M.Pd., M.T. | Accepted |
32 | KURNIA INDRAYANTI | 15706251019 | (S2) | Linguistik Terapan | Students' Perception of Learning English Using a Genre-based Approach Book at Junior High School | International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention | IC73028 | Jurnal International Bereputasi | Google Schoolar, Proquest | Dwiyanto Djoko Pranowo, Dr., M.Pd. | Published | |
33 | ZELA SEPTIKASARI | 16712251069 | (S2) | Pendidikan Dasar | Strategi Integrasi Pendidikan Kebencanaan dalam Optimalisasi Masyarakat Menghadapi Bencana Erupsi Gunung Merapi | Jurnal Ketahanan Nasional UGM | 33142 | Jurnal Terakreditasi Nasional | Terakreditasi DIKTI | Yulia Ayriza, M.Si., Ph.D. | Published | |
36 | IRWANSYAH | 15706251052 | (S2) | Linguistik Terapan | The Effects of Communicative Language Teaching of Student-Centered Approach on Students' Speaking Ability at XI Grade of SMAN 1 Lubuk Sikaping | International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences | 406 | Jurnal International Bereputasi | Google Schoolar | Endang Nurhayati, Prof. Dr., M.Hum. | Published | |
43 | CINTATIA SALSABILA | 16718251014 | (S2) | Pendidikan Sejarah | The Relationship between the Understanding of Indonesian National History, History Learning Interest, and History Awareness and the Nationalism Attitude | International Education and Research Journal | IERJ042018205 | Jurnal International Bereputasi | Copernicus | Aman, Dr., M.Pd. | Accepted | |
44 | SHOFA AULIA KUMALA | 15706251056 | (S2) | Linguistik Terapan | Makna Syukur Kisah Nabi Sulaiman dalam Alquran (Kajian Stilistika Alquran) | Jurnal Al QALAM Banten | - | Jurnal Terakreditasi Nasional | Terakreditasi DIKTI | Haryadi, Prof. Dr., M.Pd. | Accepted | |
48 | SHOFA AULIA KUMALA | 15706251056 | (S2) | Linguistik Terapan | Makna Syukur Kisah Nabi Sulaiman dalam Alquran (Kajian Stilistika Alquran) | Jurnal AlQALAM | rfc822 | Jurnal Terakreditasi Nasional | Terakreditasi DIKTI | Haryadi, Prof. Dr., M.Pd. | Accepted | |
49 | EKA AD'HIYA | 16728251013 | (S2) | Pendidikan Kimia | Students' Analytical Thinking Skills and Chemical Literacy in Chemical Equilibrium | The 8th Annual Basic Science International Conference | 191 | Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi | Scopus | Endang Widjayanti Laksono, Prof. Dr., MS. | Accepted | |
53 | MEIDIANA INSANIA AMANAH | 15706251045 | (S2) | Linguistik Terapan | Equivalence of Taboo Language and Euphemism Form Found in Novel "Cantik itu Luka" and its Translation "Beauty is a Wound" | International Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IJHSS) | H-20164 | Jurnal International Bereputasi | DOAJ, Copernicus | Roswita Lumban Tobing, Dr., M.Hum. | Accepted | |
54 | GANDES SEKAR PUTRI | 16718251003 | (S2) | Pendidikan Sejarah | The Relationship Between The Learning Motivation, Parents' Attention, And History Awareness And The History Learning Achievement | International Journl of Current Research | 30167 | Jurnal International Bereputasi | Copernicus | Aman, Dr., M.Pd. | Accepted | |
55 | RISKA SEPTIA WAHYUNINGTYAS | 16725251020 | (S2) | Pendidikan Biologi | The Influence of Contextual Teaching And Learning (CTL) towards Chritical Thinking Ability and Concept Understanding on Skeletal System Material | SEMINAR BASIC Universitas Brawijaya | BSC-305 | Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi | Scopus | Wuryadi, Prof. Dr., MS. | Accepted Publisher AIP | |
60 | SATYA SADHU | 16728251014 | (S2) | Pendidikan Kimia | Development and Validation of an Integrated Assessment for Measuring Critical Thinking and Chemical Literacy in Chemical Equilibrium | International Journal of Instruction | 120118 | Jurnal International Bereputasi | Scopus | Endang Widjayanti Laksono, Prof. Dr., MS. | Accepted | |
62 | ASNI TAFRIKHATIN | 15721251001 | (S2) | Pendidikan Teknik Elektro | Development of a Mobile Learning for Digital Logic Gates in Vocational Schools | ICTVT 2017 UNY | ABS-4 | Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi | Thomson Reuters | Edy Supriyadi, Dr., M.Pd. | Accepted Prosiding Thomson Reuters | |
64 | NUROKHMAH | 13730259009 | (S2) | Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan | Pengaruh Pemahaman dan Sensitivitas Gender terhadap Civic Disposition pada Peserta Didik Madrasah Aliyah di Kabupaten Bantul | Musawa Jurnal Studi Gender dan Islam Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga | - | Jurnal Terakreditasi Nasional | Terakreditasi DIKTI | Sunarso, Dr., M.Si. | Accepted | |
67 | PURWANDARI NUR TRISTIANINGSIH | 16702251008 | (S2) | Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan | The Effects of Industrial Work Practice Experiences, the Study Results of a Productive Learning, Career Guidance, and Motivation of Work on the Work Readiness of the Students at Vocational High Schools in Magelang | RA Journal of Applied Research (RA Journals) | RA2018V4I03S980 | Jurnal International Bereputasi | Google Schoolar, Copernicus | Soenarto, Prof., M.A., M.Sc., Ph.D. | Accepted | |
68 | MUHAMMAD NASIHUL WAFFAK | 16711251069 | (S2) | Ilmu Keolahragaan | Developing of Basketball Using TGFU Approach in Elementary School | YISHPESS FIK UNY | ABS-4 | Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi | Scopus | Pamuji Sukoco, Dr., M.Pd. | Accepted | |
71 | ANDES PERMADI | 16711251058 | (S2) | Ilmu Keolahragaan | Sports Management Implementation in Indonesian Sports Committee of Rejang Lebong in Optimizing Sports Achievement | YISHPESS FIK UNY | ABS-5 | Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi | Scopus | Sugeng Purwanto, Dr., M.Pd. | Accepted | |
76 | GITA PURWANING TYAS | 15724251009 | (S2) | Pendidikan Seni | Nilai Pendidikan Karakter dalam Ragam Gerak Tari Srimpi Pandelori | Mudra Jurnal Seni Budaya | 329-786-1-SM | Jurnal Terakreditasi Nasional | Terakreditasi DIKTI | Kuswarsantyo, Dr., M.Hum. | Accepted | |
77 | TRI DEWANTARI | 16713251027 | (S2) | Bimbingan dan Konseling | Effectiveness Assertive Training on Discipline of Learning in Junior High School | The International Journal of Counseling and Education | 131 | Jurnal International Bereputasi | DOAJ, Copernicus, Google Schoolar | Rita Eka Izzaty, Dr., M.Si. | Accepted | |
80 | MARTIN IRYAYO | 16701259001 | (S2) | Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan | Explorative Study on the Attainment of 21st Century Learning Skills at Yogyakarta State University, Graduate School | International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) | 8887 | Jurnal International Bereputasi | DOAJ, Google Schoolar | Harun, Dr., M.Pd. | Accepted | |
81 | ANWAR RIFA'I | 16709251061 | (S2) | Pendidikan Matematika | The effect of Think Pair Share (TPS) using scientific approach on students’ self-confidence and mathematical problem-solving | The 4th International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education (ICMSE 2017) Universitas Negeri Semarang | M-611 | Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi | Scopus | Sugiman, Dr., M.Si. | Accepted Prosiding Scopus | |
83 | MUHAMMAD AGUS HARDIANSYAH | 16705251016 | (S2) | Pendidikan IPS | The Effect of Knowledge about Drugs and HIV/AIDS on Teenagers’ Premarital Sexual Behaviors in Yogyakarta | 5th International Conference on Research, Implementation and Education of Mathematics and Science | 171 | Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi | Scopus | 1. Badrun Kartowagiran, Prof. Dr., M.Pd. | 2. Setyo Budi Indartono, Ph.D. | Presented, dan Accepted Prosiding |
86 | RENI | 16727251013 | (S2) | Pendidikan Geografi | The Development of a Multimedia Learning and Its Effectiveness in Improving Student Environmental Awareness | IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology (IOSR-JESTFT) | N83005 | Jurnal International Bereputasi | Google Scholar | Dyah Respati Suryo Sumunar, Dr. M.Si. | Published | |
87 | RUSPEE MADIYOH | 16716259001 | (S2) | Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris | The Use of Authentic Short Movies in Enhancing Students' Motivation in Learning Speaking | International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) | ART20182410 | Jurnal International Bereputasi | Copernicus | Nur Hidayanto Pancoro Setyo Putro, M.Pd., Ph.D. | Accepted | |
89 | BAYU SETIAJI | 16726251017 | (S2) | Pendidikan Fisika | Developing Physics Subject-Spesific Pedagogy on Problem Based Learning Model Assisted by E-learning to Enhance Student's Scientific Literacy Skill | International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) | 8933 | Jurnal International Bereputasi | Google Scholar, DOAJ | Jumadi, Prof. Dr., M.Pd. | Accepted | |
90 | SYAMIAH ALFI | 16726251038 | (S2) | Pendidikan Fisika | Development of Physics Mobile Learning Media Interactive Through Scaffolding Approach | International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) | 8822 | Jurnal International Bereputasi | Google Scholar, DOAJ | Suparno, M.App.Sc, Ph.D. | Accepted | |
91 | MARIA TENSIANA TIMA | 16728251007 | (S2) | Pendidikan Kimia | Influence of Problem Solving Based on Multiple Representations Model on Teaching and Learning of Chemistry on Student's Academic Self-Efficacy ang Student's Cognitive Achievement | American Journal of Educational Research | 1300112280 | Jurnal International Bereputasi | Google Scholar | Prof. Dr. Hari Sutrisno, M.Si | Accepted | |
94 | PHATTAYA DOUANGMALA | 16716259003 | (S2) | Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris | The Use of the Genre-Based Approach Instruction to Improve Students' Ability in writing Short Essays | International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) | ART20182226 | Jurnal International Bereputasi | Copernicus | Agus Widyantoro, Dr., M.Pd. | Accepted | |
95 | BOUAOUNE DJIHAD | 16716254001 | (S2) | Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris | An Investigation of Vocabulary Learning Strategies Use of 40 Nursing Successful Indonesian Students | International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) | ART20182162 | Jurnal International Bereputasi | Copernicus | Dyah Setyowati Ciptaningrum, Ed.D. | Accepted | |
102 | MUTIARA NURMANITA | 16730251022 | (S2) | Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan | Problem Based Civics Learning For Empowering Young Citizens Participation | Annual Civic Education Conference (ACEC) UPI Bandung 2018 | ABS-81 | Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi | Scopus | Samsuri, Dr., M.Ag. | Accepted Prosiding Scopus | |
103 | DEWI MARIANA | 14713251006 | (S2) | Bimbingan dan Konseling | The Importance of Service Placement and Channelling to Prepare Human Resources for Students to Meet the Careers of the Future | Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning (JETL) | - | Jurnal International Bereputasi | DOAJ, Google Scholar | Muh. Farozin, Dr., M.Pd. | Published | |
104 | FEBRIAN SOLIKHIN | 16728251027 | (S2) | Pendidikan Kimia | The Measurement Self-Efficacy in the Use of VICH-LAB in Electrochemistry | The 8th Annual Basic Science International Conference (BASIC) Universitas Brawaijaya, Malang | BSC – 445 | Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi | Scopus | Kristian Handoyo Sugiyarto, Prof., M.Sc.,Ph.D. | Accepted AIP Conference Proceedings Terindeks Scopus | |
106 | Metridewi Primastuti | 16728251012 | (S2) | Pendidikan Kimia | Analysis of Students' Science Literacy in Chemical Equilibrium Topic | The 8th Annual Basic Science International Conference (BASIC) Universitas Brawaijaya, Malang | BSC-147 | Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi | Scopus | Sri Atun, Prof. Dr. | Accepted Prosiding Scopus | |
107 | DEVI ANGGRIYANI | 16701251023 | (S2) | Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan | A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THREE INDONESIAN ISLANDS ON THE PERFORMANCE IN MATHEMATICS | Formatif : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan MIPA | 10.30998 | Jurnal Terakreditasi Nasional | Terakreditasi DIKTI (Sinta S3) | Harun, Dr., M.Pd. | Published | |
108 | DWI IDE RAHAYU | 16706251007 | (S2) | Linguistik Terapan | Comparing the Effects of L2-Based with Code-Switching-Base Instruction on Efl Speaking Classes | Journal of Language Teaching and Research (JLTR) | JLTR18040603 | Jurnal International Bereputasi | Google Scholar, Copernicus | Margana, Dr., M.Hum., M.A. | Accepted | |
110 | FAHRUDDIN | 16718251013 | (S2) | Pendidikan Sejarah | TEACHER PERFORMANCE, NATIONALISTIC ATTITUDE, AND HISTORICAL AWARENESS, RELATIONSHIP WITH LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT | IISTE-Journal of Education and Practice | - | Jurnal International Bereputasi | Google Scholar, Copernicus | Sugiyono, Prof., Dr. | Accepted | |
112 | DIANA WULANDARI | 16730251002 | (S2) | Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan | Peace Values on Pancasila and Civic Education Textbooks in Senior High School | Annual Civic Education Conference (ACEC) UPI Bandung 2018 | ABS-59 | Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi | Scopus | Mukhamad Murdiono, Dr., M.Pd. | Accepted Prosiding | |
113 | MATANG | 16730251017 | (S2) | Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan | How is the Use of Social Media in the Student Activist at Yogyakarta | Annual Civic Education Conference (ACEC) UPI Bandung 2018 | ABS-34 | Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi | Will be indexed by Scopus | Samsuri, Dr., M.Ag. | Accepted Prosiding Scopus | |
114 | CHRISTMAS ASTRIANI | 16730251007 | (S2) | Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan | Budi Pekerti education according to the thought of Ki Hadjar Dewantara as an effort to prepare young citizens | Annual Civic Education Conference (ACEC) UPI Bandung 2018 | ABS-200 | Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi | Scopus | Samsuri, Dr., M.Ag. | Accepted Prosiding Scopus | |
115 | FREDIK LAMBERTUS KOLLO | 16730251008 | (S2) | Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan | Patriacrhy Culture and Injustice for Woman in Politics | Annual Civic Education Conference (ACEC) UPI Bandung 2018 | ABS-51 | Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi | Will be indexed by Scopus | Sunarso, Dr., M.Si. | Accepted Prosiding | |
116 | ZULKARNAIN | 16730251012 | (S2) | Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan | How Religious Leaders Maintenance Religious Harmony Indonesian Plural Society | Annual Civic Education Conference (ACEC) UPI Bandung 2018 | ABS-46 | Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi | Scopus | Samsuri, Dr., M.Ag. | Accepted Prosiding | |
119 | AMIRUDIN | 16706251006 | (S2) | Linguistik Terapan | Speech Acts in a Story for Learning English: Case of Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy | Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference (BELTIC) 2018 | ABS-121 | Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi | Scopus | Margana, Dr., M.Hum., M.A. | Accepted Prosiding Scopus | |
124 | FITRAH ASMA DARMAWAN | 16702251029 | (S2) | Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan | The Concept of Vocational Education Based on Maritime Resources | 6th International Conference on Information and Education Technology (ICIET 2018) Jepang | E3007-A | Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi | Scopus | Amat Jaedun, Dr., M.Pd. | Accepted Prosiding Scopus | |
125 | FIRMA PRADESTA AMANAH | 16706251014 | (S2) | Linguistik Terapan | Utilizing Simple-Code in Language Teaching Process Towards Students Achievement | Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference (BELTIC) 2018 | ABS-190 | Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi | Scopus | Pratomo Widodo, Prof. Dr., M.Pd. | Accepted Prosiding Scopus | |
126 | NURTANIO AGUS PURWANTO | 13704261001 | (S3) | Manajemen Pendidikan | Elementary School Principals Development Program in Sleman Regency | Psychology and Education | - | Jurnal International Bereputasi | Scopus | 1. Husaini Usman, Prof. Dr., M.Pd., M.T. | 2. Lantip Diat Prasojo, Dr., M.Pd. | Published |
129 | DESFI ANNISA | 16728251015 | (S2) | Pendidikan Kimia | THE EFFECT OF INQUIRY-BASED LEARNING MODEL ON STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING CONCEPT IN CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM | The 8th Annual Basic Science International Conference (BASIC) Universitas Brawaijaya, Malang | BSC-139 | Prosiding/Seminar Internasional Bereputasi | Scopus | Eli Rohaeti, Dr., M.Si. | Accepted Prosiding Scopus | |
130 | RANDA ANGGARISTA | 16715251020 | (S2) | Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia | Representation of Benuaq Ethnic’s Environmental Wisdom in the Novel of Api Awan Asap by Korrie Layun Rampan | International Journal of Language and Literature | LLT-1804 | Jurnal International Bereputasi | Google Scholar, ProQuest, Ulrich's, EBSCO | Nurhadi, Dr., M.Hum. | Accepted | |
132 | WARJU | 14702269005 | (S3) | Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan | EVALUATING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF GREEN SCHOOL (ADIWIYATA) PROGRAM: EVIDENCE FROM INDONESIA | International Journal of Environmental and Science Education | ijese.2017.095 | Jurnal International Bereputasi | Scopus | 1. Slamet PH, Prof., M.A, M.Ed, MLHR, Ph.D. | 2. Soenarto, Prof., M.A., M.Sc., Ph.D. | Published |
133 | Muhammad Rasyid Ridlo | 15715351037 | (S2) | Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia | MASIHKAH ADA CINTA D(AR)I KAMPUS BIRU? PLAY PERFORMANCE: AN ADAPTATION OF NOVEL-FILM AS A MANIFESTO STRATEGY | Asian Journal Social Sciences & Humanities (AJSSH) | 1806-AJSSH-7(3)-1328 | Jurnal International Bereputasi | Copernicus, Ebsco Host, Ulrich's Web | Suminto A. Sayuti, Prof. Dr. | Accepted | |
137 | Ruwandi | 9703261010 | (S3) | Ilmu Pendidikan | Konfessionalisi dalam Relasi Keberagamaan (Studi tentang Konsep Keberagamaan Mahasiswa Program Kelas Internasional Institut Agama Islam Negeri Salatiga) | Inferensi | - | Jurnal Terakreditasi Nasional | Terakreditasi DIKTI | 1. Sodiq Azis Kuntoro, Prof. Dr. | 2. Achmad Dardiri, Prof. Dr., M.Hum. | Accepted |
141 | AHMAD NURKHOLIS MAJID | 16728251009 | (S2) | Pendidikan Kimia | The Effect of Context-Based Chemistry Learning on Student Achievement and Attitude | American Journal of Educational Research | 1300112321 | Jurnal International Bereputasi | Google Scholar | Eli Rohaeti, Dr., M.Si. | Accepted | |
142 | RAHMAT SYAH | 16701251003 | (S2) | Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan | Parenting for Cyberbullying Prevention of Social Media User in Indonesia | Jurnal Penelitian Kesejahteraan Sosial | 1473 | Jurnal Terakreditasi Nasional | Terakreditasi DIKTI | Istiana Herawati, Dr. | Accepted | |
143 | Wa Ode Muslihah | 16707251005 | (S2) | Teknologi Pendidikan | Museum Pendidikan Indonesia: Has It Been Useful? | International Journal on Integrating Technology in Education | IJITE95 | Jurnal International Bereputasi | Google Sholar, Ulrichs Web | Haryanto, Dr., M.Pd. | Accepted | |
146 | AULIA ARDHANARESWARI | 16715251032 | (S2) | Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia | Internalization of Character Education Value in Pilot School, Bantul | International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) | ART20183082 | Jurnal International Bereputasi | Copernicus | Darmiyati Zuchdi, Prof., Ed.D. | Accepted | |
147 | ANITA EKANTINI | 16708251009 | (S2) | Pendidikan IPA | THE DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE STUDENT WORKSHEET BASED ON EDUCATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT TO ENHANCE SCIENTIFIC LITERACY | Universal Journal of Educational Research | 19511209 | Jurnal International Bereputasi | Google Sholar, ProQuest | Insih Wilujeng, Dr., M.Si. | Accepted |
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